
Richard Ladner’s Study Away Silicon Valley 2019 Recap

Venkatesh Potluri, Nicole Riley, Ather Sharif, Lucy Jiang, Bryan Lim, and Richard Ladner standing in front of an Android statue at the Google headquarters.
The Allen School’s 2019 SASV delegation, left to right: Venkatesh Potluri, Nicole Riley, Ather Sharif, Lucy Jiang, Bryan Lim, and Richard Ladner.

Study Away Silicon Valley 2019 was held during the week of May 20-24, 2019, and featured 25 students from seven different universities, including a group of two undergraduates, a masters student, and two Ph.D. students from from the University of Washington. Read the recap from UW Professor Emeritus Richard Ladner, who served as one of the six faculty mentors during the week.