Teach Access Wins Honorable Mention at FCC Chairman’s Award for Advancement in Accessibility celebration at M-Enabling Summit (Washington, DC, June 13, 2017)
We were honored to be recognized by FCC chairman Ajit Pai for our great work. Here’s what the FCC press release said about us:
Teach Access is an initiative by industry, academia and accessibility advocates to expand the quality and quantity of undergraduate programs that teach the fundamentals of accessibility in fields such as design, computer science and human computer interaction. The initiative has established a core set of Accessibility Fundamental Concepts and Skills on web accessibility, federal accessibility laws and industry best practices, along with an industry guest speakers program and online accessibility tutorials for the purpose of preparing designers, engineers and researchers to build products and services inclusively.
So many Teach Access members were at the Summit to share in the honor and the project was on everyone’s lips and minds during the conference. Here’s Microsoft’s Mary Bellard with the award certificate, the certificate itself, and Yahoo’s Larry Goldberg on-stage with chairman Pai: