Teach Access by Design

A facilitated online course that introduces educators and administrators to basic concepts related to disability, accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Teach Access by Design is a facilitated online course that introduces educators and administrators to basic concepts related to disability, accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Participants are guided through a series of learning resources, activities, and discussions to understand how these concepts intersect with their disciplines and roles in education. They also have the opportunity to apply the principles of accessible and universal design to their instructional practices. 


  • Module 1: Defining Disability
  •  Module 2: Accessible Design
  • Module 3: Universal Design

Contact Information

Are you interested in offering a cohort of Teach Access by Design at your institution? Contact Rolando Mendez at rolando@teachaccess.org

Five educators smile and high-five each other in a library. Teach Access By Design. Learn how accessibility can inform your discipline & how to teach within an inclusive pedagogical framework. Register by September 8th. Stack of books with an apple on top. Teach Access Logo.