
March 2024 Update

By April 1, 2024 No Comments

Greetings from Teach Access!

It’s hard to believe we’re approaching the end of the first quarter 2024. As usual, we’ve got many exciting things happening. Our recent press release discusses our initiatives and has garnered attention, expanding our reach. Read more about what we’re up to below!

Teach Access Grants

Calling all educators from U.S. and Puerto Rico higher education institutions! The application for our next round of the Teach Access Grants progrDeadline Extended: 2024 Teach Access Grants, Awards of $2,000 to support educators teaching about accessibility in their courses. The application deadline has been extended to April 7, is now open. We will be awarding $2,000 grants to educators across disciplines to accelerate the creation and delivery of accessibility-infused college curricula. The deadline for applications has been extended to April 7th, 2024.

If you would like to learn more about Teach Access Grants and the application process, check out the recorded information session.


Apply for the Teach Access Grant

Teach Access Student Academy

Join us for our final session of the Teach Access Student Academy on Friday, April 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm ET (10:00 am PT). During this session you will hear from a panel of Accessibility professionals about their experiences working in the accessibility field. The panel will be moderated by Regine Gilbert , New York University, and Teach Access board member. Panelists include:

This will be a great opportunity to learn and ask questions about what it’s really like to work as an accessibility professional. It’s not too late to register! Please share with any students or educators in your network.

Student Ambassadors Advocacy Sprints

Students, this is your last chance to participate in our spring Student Ambassadors Advocacy Sprints! Connect and collaborate with your personal ideas for advocacy projects you can take back to your institution, campus, or community.

The sprints are open to students from all majors. The next Advocacy Sprint is on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET (10 am to 11:30 am PT) on Zoom!

Learn more about the Student Ambassadors Advocacy Sprints.

Quick Bytes + Connect

Join the Teach Access Alumni Network on Tuesday, April 2, at 3 pm ET for a 20-minute presentation on “Accessibility for Beginner Web Developers” by Meena Das, a Software Engineer at Microsoft and Teach Access board member. Optional casual networking will begin after the presentation.

 Quick Bytes + Connect: Accessibility for Beginner Web Developers with Meena Das, Software Engineer at Microsoft on April 2, 2024, 3 pm ET (12 pm PT).

Advanced registration is required but open to everyone across higher education, industry, and beyond. We will provide CART and ASL. For additional accessibility requests, please email

Please note this session was originally scheduled for Friday, April 5.

Upcoming Events

Teach Access is on the move!  Will you be at any of these upcoming events? We love connecting in person. Please email info@teachaccess to let us know!

Financial Support

Every student deserves the chance to learn about digital accessibility. Support our efforts as we get closer to reaching 1 million students by 2030! Your donation keeps our programs and resources free for students and educators. You can double your impact if your employer offers a matching gift program.

Donor Spotlight: Tracy Stuntz

Tracy smiling at the camera with short brown hair, glasses, and navy polo with gray sweater.

“As someone who supports faculty at my college, I appreciate the wide range of opportunities that Teach Access provides for faculty. From the self-paced how-to accessibility courses to the grants for faculty to create “accessibility-infused” college curriculum, Teach Access is a fantastic partner to have for any technology professional, and I am thankful I can help support them.” Tracy Stuntz, Instructional Designer, Clovis Community College.

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