Dear Teach Access members, supporters, and champions,
We are happy to share our activities and accomplishments since our last update. Take a look at all Teach Access is doing to enhance accessibility awareness and to ensure the fundamentals of digital accessibility are included in college and university technology curricula.
Apply for Round 2 of Faculty Grants!
We are excited to announce that we’ll be offering another round of Teach Access Faculty Grants this year! The application form is now available on our website and submissions are due June 1.
To accelerate the creation and delivery of accessibility-infused college curricula, we will be providing awards of $5,000 to full-time, part-time, adjunct faculty, or instructional staff at US-based institutions of higher education (community colleges or four-year universities) to develop course materials that introduce the fundamental concepts and skills of accessible design and development. We look forward to reading your submissions!
Accessibility Hiring Toolkit
Teach Access is excited to debut our Accessibility Skills Hiring Toolkit which is intended to help organizations build internal capacity for producing accessible digital products by developing a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. The toolkit contains Sample Position Description Language for adding accessibility responsibilities and qualifications to your position descriptions. Job candidates who know about accessibility are extremely valuable to an organization, so if you’re hiring for any of the positions listed in the toolkit, make sure to incorporate this language into your position description!
Teach Access CSUN 2020 Slides
While we weren’t able to attend CSUN 2020 in-person this year, we still developed slides to share our 2020 update. Check out the slides, which feature updated objectives, info about task forces, and much more!
Website Revamp
Our website got a facelift! Check it out and let us know if you have any feedback.

COVID-Related Accessibility Resources
As many educators are transitioning to online teaching, we’re collecting resources related to teaching accessibly – take a look, suggest any additions, and share with your colleagues!
Celebrate #GAAD with us!
In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), Teach Access will be releasing a set of accessibility trivia questions and answers! On or before May 21, “like” us on Twitter, and tag @TeachAccess and @gbla11yday in a post showing you playing the trivia. You’ll be entered into a drawing to win some Teach Access swag!
Stay tuned to our social media for the link to the trivia once it’s available!
New Teach Access Members
Welcome to the members who have joined us over the last few months! A complete list of Teach Access members can be found on our website.