
Teach Access to Award Faculty Grants

By March 21, 2018 April 13th, 2018 No Comments

Grants will help infuse accessibility principles into existing technology and design courses.

MARCH 21, 2018

Teach Access, a collaboration of top tech sector companies, universities and disability advocacy organizations, announced today that they will be awarding grants to faculty at institutions of higher education (community colleges and four-year universities) to develop modules, presentations, exercises, or curriculum enhancements or changes that introduce the Fundamental Concepts and Skills of accessible design and development into existing courses.

The grants are not intended to trigger development of completely new courses but rather innovative ways of incorporating accessibility fundamentals into existing courses. Grant recipients will be required to share their course updates among their institutional colleagues as well as publicly on the Teach Access web site. Initial funding for these grants has been provided by the Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation and will be supplemented by funding from member companies and additional sources.

Grants will be made to full-time, part-time, or adjunct faculty in computer science, design, user experience research, human-computer interaction and related fields at institutions in the U.S. These grants of $5,000 each will be available for use as early as the summer of 2018, for courses taught during the 2018-2019 school year. Proposals will be evaluated and selected by a committee of Teach Access members.

Details on the number of grants and requirements for funding will be posted on the Teach Access web site ( on April 16, 2018, along with a Call for Proposals, due by June 4, 2018.

For further information, check the Teach Access website on April 16th or write to:

About Teach Access

Teach Access is a unique collaboration among members of Higher Education, the Technology Industry and advocates for Accessibility whose goals are to make technology accessible and to make accessible technology ubiquitous. Teach Access operates as a fiscal sponsorship fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). Donations will be processed by SVCF, a 501(c)(3) public charity registered in the United States, EIN# 20-5205488. The Teach Access initiative includes membership from the technology industry, faculty and others from leading academic institutions and disability advocacy organizations and other non-profit institutions – see


This initiative is managed in partnership with the Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT), whose mission is to foster collaboration and action around accessible technology.